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Oracle Virtual Machine Server 3.2 for X86 / VM Migration from OVM 2.2

That's a short post which aims to describe a v2v (virtual to virtual) migration of Oracle VM X86  from OVM 2.2 to OVM 3.2. I won't cover the installation of OVM 3.2 nor its configuration. I'll assume  that it's already done (with valid server pool/servers/storage repositories...).
Technically, the process involves archiving the source VM (on OVM 2.2), transfer this archive on a web server (thus making it available using http), import this archive as template on the destination environment (OVM 3.2) and create a new VM based on this template. I know it seems a bit cumbersome for a simple v2v, but that's how it worked for me. So, here we go.

1. Stop the source VM and archive its folder on OVM 2.2
The source directory are located under /OVS/.../running_pool on OVM2.2

2. Transfer this archive to a Web Server Folder (or to a FTP Server)
This web server must be accessible from the Target OVM 3.2 environment.

3. Import this archive as template under the destination OVM environment
This web server must be accessible from the Target OVM 3.2 environment.

For that, from the OVM 3.2 Console: Go to “Repositories” / “Choose the target repository” / “VM Templates” / "Click Import VM Templates" and add your internal webserver and file location http://stivesso.local/src_vm.tar.gz

4. When the import job is completed, just create a new VM based on this template

You can then power on the new VM...